Healthy neighborhoods create connections between neighbors, businesses, and nature.
Healthy neighborhoods create connections between neighbors, businesses, and nature.
Specialized Real Estate Group focuses on opportunities for infill development in Northwest Arkansas. Infill development strengthens the fabric of our community by putting people within reach of services, workplaces, and transportation infrastructure like bike paths. Connecting people with businesses, nature, and each other is vital to healthy communities.
It is much simpler to build on previously undeveloped land at the outskirts of a city, but the long-term value of infill development outweighs short-term convenience. Infill works against urban sprawl and the traffic headaches that come along with it. By locating within developed neighborhoods near a city’s core, infill developments are intrinsically more walkable. Adding residents to downtown areas supports existing businesses and encourages small business development.
Because of our strong commitment to customer service and stewardship, our projects yield a strong return on investment—not just for direct investors, but for the neighborhoods and communities in which they are located.